Leaving hospital

Planning your discharge is an important part of your care and commences prior to admission.

Depending on your needs, you may require a referral to:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Dietetics
  • Occupational therapy
  • Social work

Our staff will arrange the best possible plan for discharge, which may include home nursing, home support services or respite, depending on your clinical need and health funding.

Planned discharge time is 9.30am

Transport home

You will need to arrange your own transportation home. This should be finalised the day before discharge. If you have any transport concerns, please discuss with the staff looking after you.

Discharge instructions

It is important that you understand your discharge instructions. Your nurse will coordinate your discharge and will provide you with written discharge instructions.

Before leaving your room:

  • Pack your belongings and check your room to be sure nothing is left behind.
  • Collect your x-rays and any aids that you require for home.
  • Speak with the pharmacist or your doctor if you have any questions about your medications.

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